Sunday 16 June 2013

Finance Jobs

Types of Finance Jobs


There are many different types of Finance Jobs, from those found in specialized financial institutions like banks and credit unions, to those that help clients navigate money matters and make wise investments. Let's take a look at a few different types and what you could expect to be doing.


Finance Jobs can be found in almost any industry that involves money, which means just about every single business, will have some sort of financial position.  It could be bookkeeping, planning, payments, acquisition or management. While some are more traditional than others, nearly all require at least undergraduate training. Everyone has the need for money expertise, from individuals and small businesses to major corporations.


Choosing a specialty from the wide variety of Finance Jobs is usually a lot harder than finding different options. Many Finance Jobs are found with banking institutions. Some bankers start out as tellers, educating consumers about various account options and assisting with deposits and withdrawals. More advanced personnel work as account managers and loan officers, helping clients execute financial transactions.


Bankers can also work with corporate clients. Business banking is usually a lot different from personal banking, as there are more complexities and legal regulations to keep in mind. Some of the most elite business Finance Jobs are in investment banking, which deals with corporate funding and share allocation for young, growing businesses. A corporation that is just getting off the ground usually needs a lot of capital. Investment bankers help negotiate favorable deals between companies and investors. To see the different types of positions available in your area, check out


Finance Jobs within the accounting sector will deal primarily with financial reconciliation, making sure that clients stay up to date on their bills and other money-related obligations. Tax accountancy is a popular career track in countries that require individuals and businesses to file and prepare tax returns,. Most businesses also have in-house accountants who manage expenditures and keep track of money going in and coming out.


Money matters are often complicated for both individuals and businesses, which is where financial planning comes in. Finance Jobs within financial planning typically focus on helping the client make the most of what they have. When it comes to families and individuals, these planners focus on growing assets, setting up college funds for the future, or helping people make good investment decisions as they plan for retirement.


Finance Jobs on the corporate side of things, the planners will often help structure pension and retirement plans and manage profits in ways that help a business grow. Financial savvy is required for this sort of work, but so is good communication as the planner must be able to set out the different options, but then listen to and implement the client’s decisions. Finance Jobs found in the stock market or with investment instruments like bonds or mutual funds often have some overlap with financial planners.


The majority of these jobs are in marketing and selling investments, although you rarely see a professional offer clients advice directly.  A good portion of these Finance Jobs are situated on actual trade floors, like the New York or Tokyo stock exchanges. Others are housed in offices, where investors and analysts watch market trends in real time and make quick judgments about whether to buy or sell.


John Roos , is a career management expert and in this post discusses the types of finance jobs available and how you can get into the field.  John's advice has helped thousands of job seekers worldwide get and succeed at the job of their dreams.

Find out more at

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